Ryan Wiley



I was hired by an international university to design and deliver a training program that would teach employees how to set goals. As I do with all training programs, I approached the project through the fundamental components of instructional design.

  1. Characteristics of the learner: For whom is the training program being developed?
  2. Program objective: What do we want the learners to know or be able to demonstrate?
  3. Instructional strategies: How is the content or skill best learned?
  4. Evaluation procedures: How do we determine the extent to which learning is achieved?

1. Characteristics of the Learners

  • They were employed as English teachers in Thailand.
  • They were relatively young, mostly in their 20s.
  • They were single and living in a foreign country.
  • They had above average salaries for the local market but below average salaries for their home countries.
  • They were less career oriented and more lifestyle oriented.
  • The institution employing them had a mandatory KPI system and annual reviews.
  • They were well trained and educated, all had either bachelor's or master's degrees and teaching certificates.
2. Program Objective

To have participants willfully and successfully take part in an annual key performance indicator (KPI) plan. 

  • Affective Domain Learning in Outcomes
    • At the end of the training course participants will...
      • place value on their corporate KPI system.
      • actively participate in their company's annual KPI program
  • Cognitive Domain Learning Outcomes
    • At the end of the program participants will be able to...
      • define SMART goals
      • distinguish between goals that are SMART and those that are not.
      • edit improperly written goals so they meet the SMART criteria.
      • produce goals that meet the SMART criteria
      • produce a set of personalized SMART goals to be used in their annual KPI program.

3. Instructional Strategies


4. Evaluation Procedures

  • Immediate
    • questionnaire about attitudes towards the KPI system
    • the design of properly made annual SMART goals
  • Long Term
    • the meaningful completion of the annual KPI system


  • September 5, 2020